I would make horrible videos if I filmed me sucking cock... As soon as I know the guys about to blow I go down balls deep. Want that fucker shooting right down my throat. And guys like to see the cumshot apparently.
Oh no, Jimmie, not during this day and age can one find such an enthusiastic, tremendous, vigorous real man with unmatched copulatory pussy mouth and throat to give a delicious dick such pleasure and happiness w/ final precious sperm cum juice eating and swallowing.
Awesome love it when it happens like that. I once went with a coworker to the local ABS. He was looking for things for his wife but I convinced him to just 'peek' at the arcade. I followed a few seconds behind and saw the booth he went into. I listened a finally heard sucking sounds. I quietly opened his door and he froze. He was draining a guy through the GH. I went into his booth and watched. He swallowed a load and then mine! He ended up swallowing 5 loads. I told him it was our married secret!